

Early Math Placement Tool

Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin System, the Wisconsin Technical College System, and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Math Requirements by Major

UW - River Falls Math Requirements

The Mathematics General Education requirement at UW-River Falls can be met in one of the following ways:

1) A standard score of 23 or better on the ACT mathematics subtest

2) A score of 650 or better on the AB portion of the UW System Mathematics Placement Test

3) A score of 550 or better on the BC portion of the UW System Mathematics Placement Test

4) Completing Mathematics 126, Activities in Mathematics, or higher numbered mathematics courses

5) Completing Psychology 201, Behavioral Statistics

6) Completing Economics 205, Quantitative Analysis in Economics and Business

Certain academic programs at UW-River Falls require mathematics course work beyond that of General Education. Depending on a student's background, additional high school or college mathematics course work may be needed to complete General Education requirements or to fulfill the requirements of an individual academic program.

The Mathematics requirements for individual academic programs at UW-River Falls are given below. Students who are considering enrolling at UW-River Falls should use the 'Levels' chart that follows to identify their mathematics background in terms of UW-River Falls mathematics courses. Students interested in a particular academic program who determine their 'level' of preparation to be deficient are urged to consider taking additional mathematics course work at the secondary level.

EMPT Levels Mapped to Courses at UW - River Falls

EMPT LevelCourse(s)
D1 Math 010 Introduction to Algebra
D2/D3 Math 030 Intermediate Algebra
C1 Math 126 Activities in Math
Math 146 College Algebra
Math 216 Elementary Statistical Concepts
Math 246 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I
C2 Math 147 College Algebra and Trigonometry
Math 149 Precalculus
C3 Math 156 Calculus for Business and Social Science
C4 Math 166 Calculus I

UW - River Falls Math Requirements by Major

Required Mathematics Courses


Math 166(Calculus I), Math 167(Calculus II) & Math 266 (Calculus III),  Math 256 (Linear Alg.) ,  Math 331 (Differential Equations)




Math 146 (College Algebra),  Math 147  (Trig.), Math 166 (Calculus I)


Math 146 (College Algebra),  Math 147  (Trig.), Math 166 (Calculus I), Math 167(Calculus II)


Math 166(Calculus I) & Math 167(Calculus II)


Math 146 (College Algebra),  Math 147  (Trig.)




Math 226 (Fundamentals of Statistics)

Ag Business

Math 156 (Calculus for Business)  or Math 166 (Calculus I)

Ag Education

Math 146 (College Algebra)

Ag. Engineering

Business Calculus or Calculus I

Ag. Studies

Math 146 (College Algebra)


Math 146 (College Algebra)

Animal Science

Math 146 (College Algebra),  Math 147  (Trig.)






Math 147 (Trig ) Plus one of the following:  Math 216 (El. Stats),  Math 226 (Fund. Of Stats), or Math 326 (Applied Stats)



Business Admin

Math 156 (Calculus for Business)  or Math 166 (Calculus I)


Math 166 (Calculus I),  Math 167 (Calculus II) , Math 266 (Calculus  III)

Chem. Engineering

Math 166 (Calculus I),  Math 167 (Calculus II) , Math 266 (Calculus  III), Math 256 (Linear Alg.), Math 331 (Differential Equations)



Communicative Disorders


Comp. Sci. & Info. Sys.

Math 156 (Business Calculus) or Math 166 (Calculus I), Math 236 (Discrete)


Math 226 (Fundamentals of Statistics)

Criminal Justice


Crops and Soils

Math 146 (College Algebra)

Dairy Science

Math 146 (College Algebra) and Math 147 (Trig)

Dance Education


Early Childhood


Earth Science

Math 146 (College Algebra)


Math 226 (Fundamentals of Statistics)

Elementary Ed.

Math for the Elementary I & II



Environmental Science

Math 166 (Calculus I)

Ethnic Studies


Farm Management

Math 146 (College Algebra)

Food Science & Technology

Math 146 (College Algebra)& Math 167 (Trig) or Math 166 (Calculus I)



Geography – Broad Field
               Social Sciences



Math 166 (Calculus I)

Health & Human Perform.





Math 146 (College Algebra)



International STudies




Land Use Planning

Directed Electives:  Math 156 (Business Calculus), Math 216 (El. Stats.), Math 226 (Fund. Of Stats), Math 326 (App. Stats.)

Language Arts/reading


Marketing Comm.


Mass Communication



36 credits in Math



Musical Theater


Outdoor Education





Math 166 (Calculus I) & Math 167 (Calculus II), Math 331 (Differential Equations)

Political Science


Pro. & Org. Communication


Pro. Writting




Science, Broad Area


Science, General

Math 146 (College Algebra)

Science, General

Math 146 (College Algebra)

Social Science


Social Science – Broad Field


Social Work




Soil Science

Math 146 (College Algebra)

Speech Communication & Theater Arts




Women’s Studies